Online Admission Form :: B.A. 3rd & 5th Semester 2023-24 :: Kalabari CollegeOnline Admission Form :: B.A. 3rd & 5th Semester 2023-24 :: Kalabari College Admission into the Semester : * B.A. 3rd Semester B.A. 5th SemesterAdmission into the Course : * Major Course General CourseName of the Applicant as mentioned in the Certificates (in CAPITAL LETTERS) : * Name of the Applicant as mentioned in the Certificates (in CAPITAL LETTERS) : Name of the Applicant as mentioned in the Certificates (in CAPITAL LETTERS) : Name of the Applicant as mentioned in the Certificates (in CAPITAL LETTERS) : DHE Unique ID : * Registration Number : * Roll No. : * Phone / WhatsApp No. : * Email ID : * Father's Name : * Father's Name : Father's Name : Father's Name : Mother's Name : * Mother's Name : Mother's Name : Mother's Name : Date of Birth : * Gender : * Select GenderMALEFEMALEOTHER Caste : * Select CasteGENERALOBC / MOBCSCSTOTHER Category : * Select CategoryAPLBPL Address for Communication / Permanent Address : * Major Subject : Select Major SubjectASSAMESEECONOMICSEDUCATIONENGLISHHISTORYPOLITICAL SCIENCE General Subject : Select General SubjectECONOMICSEDUCATIONELECTIVE ASSAMESEGEOGRAPHYHISTORYPOLITICAL SCIENCE General Subject (for Pass Course students) : Select General Subject (for Pass Course students)ECONOMICSEDUCATIONELECTIVE ASSAMESEGEOGRAPHYHISTORYPOLITICAL SCIENCE Skill Enhancement Course : RG (Regular Generic) Subject (only for 5th Semester Pass Course) : Passport Size Photo (upload Image in jpeg/png format - less than 300 KB) : * Drop a File Here or Click to Upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 1MB Candidate's Signature (upload Image in jpeg/png format - less than 300 KB) : * Drop a File Here or Click to Upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 1MB Previous Examination Admit Card (upload document in image/pdf format - less than 1 MB) : * Drop a File Here or Click to Upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 1MB Caste Certificate (upload document in image/pdf format - less than 1 MB) : Drop a File Here or Click to Upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 1MB Income Certificate (upload document in image/pdf format - less than 1 MB) : Drop a File Here or Click to Upload Choose File Maximum upload size: 1MBDeclaration : * I Declare that the information given by me in this application form is true and in case of any entry or information found untrue, my admission may be cancelled. If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit