Department of Education
About the Department
Education is a social subject to prepare an individual in favour of the society. It helps to inculcate the innate capabilities of an individual and to modify and purity the behavioural aspect as according to the needs and necessities of the changing society. In the course, B. A in Education includes Courses like, Philosophical foundation of Education, Psychological foundations of education, History of Indian education, Guidance and counselling, educational Statistics, school Organization are administration, Discipline maintenance in educational institutions, Distance education and continuing education, upliftment of various skills for future social life, Extension activities for all round development etc. The course is able to demonstrate the following learning outcomes. Which are course specific and programmed specific outcomes.
Course Specific Outcomes :
(1) To enable the educand to uplift themselves to adjust in any and every circumstances of the social life.
(2) To inculcate the philosophical outlook among them in their thinking and practice.
(3) To develop the accuracy of their psychological judgement in their day to day life situation.
(4) Enrichment of statistical knowledge and skilful experience among the students for their future life.
(5) To develop democratic, aesthetic, spiritual, religious, civic and social values among the educand.
Department of Education
Departmental Activities