Welcome to the Official Website of Kalabari College

( Affiliated to Gauhati University )

Accredited “B+” Grade in the 1st Cycle of NAAC Assessment

Department of Geography

About the Department

     The department of Geography, Kalabari College, introduced in 1998 as undergraduate core course under Gauhati University. Geography is the study of places and the relationship between people and their environments. Geography studies both the Physical and the human Societies spread across it. Geography Can help us understand movement, changes and system that relevant such as Climate Change, water availability, natural resources and more such things. On the other hand, Geography helps us to explore and understand space and place recognising the great differences in cultures, political systems, economics, landscape and environments across the world.

     The core course of BA in Geography includes courses like Physical Geography, Human Geography Economic Geography, Geography of India and NE India, Environmental Geography and Disaster management, Population and Settlement Geography, Regional Planning and Development, Survey Techniques, Geography of Tourism, Thematic Cartography, Social and Political Geography, Geography of Resources and Development, Geography of Health etc. These courses provide the fundamental skills that are essential in terms of the theoretical knowledge and empirical cum practical aspects of the discipline.

Course Specific outcome :

  1. To enable students in acquisition of physical changes of earth structure, climatic changes and environmental degradation.
  2. As a practical subject to develop strong Numeracy and Statistical skills.
  3. To prepare the students to work in different fields like State level competitive examination, Civil Service Examination and other administrative departmental examination etc.
  4. To enable the student to acquire various skills which they can use to deal their real-life situation, i.e. manage resources, Survey Techniques, Projection of Map etc.

Department of Geography

Mrs. Rubi Bhuyan, M.Sc.

Assistant Professor (HOD)

Mr. Bijit Borah, M.A.

Assistant Professor

Departmental Activities